Monday 7 October 2013

Final week

We have reached subsoil in our box-trench, and in theory the 'bottom' except that there are features cut into the subsoil. These include a stone-packed posthole that Stuart excavated today (it did not produce any pottery or other dateable artefacts) and a probable ditch with multiple fills. We have just one side of the ditch in our trench and the fills are producing more medieval pottery including decorated coarseware (probable Everted rim ware). We have also continued to excavate the medieval stoney/gravel layer in the 'middle' of the main trench which has exposed a series of large stones and boulders. These do not form a meaningful structure but clearly represent rubble/tumble from a structure of some sort. We will examine these more closely tomorrow to see if there are any cut faces or traces of mortar.

the stone-packed posthole (mid-excavation)
Stuart recording the posthole
 fish hook with barb - found while sieving by Linda
thumb-impressed sherd of pottery
decorated coarseware

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